Friday, August 11, 2006

Warning: Vague post!

Sometimes I feel like detaching myself from the rest of the world. I don't want to have to care about what every single people think or have to say. Is that even achievable today?

Sometimes I feel like giving up and just not care anymore if I fail. I don't want to be Superwoman anymore, though I think I have long given up on the idea anyway.

Sometimes I want to hit the stop button, throw out the remote control, and just sit the whole day and not have to think or worry about anything.

The past few days, I have been detached. I have not given a damn at all. I did not care one bit. I did not become Superwoman either. I altogether have taken out the play and rewind buttons. And guess what? It feels surprisingly good. If only I could muster the strength to continue being this way...


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