Sunday, August 27, 2006

My 7 Dimensions of Personality (Part One)

I took a test online which is supposed to give me insights on certain aspects--of how I look at the world and those around me. I don't know if it is reliable. But I have to say it's pretty darn accurate (not all though, mostly lang).

Dimension #1: Modern versus Traditional
People who are more traditional tend to carry those feelings over into their search for love. For example, traditional types tend to believe that when a man and a woman go on a date, the man should pay. They're also likely to feel that red roses are the perfect gift for a first date and that idealistic weddings are the only way to go. For someone who is traditional, tried-and-true rituals are important to uphold.

Your score shows that you're more traditional. This means that in love, you're more inclined to follow time-tested dating patterns, especially at the beginning of a relationship. You may even come from a long line of daters who've taught you the many "rules" of courtship - both explicit and implicit. These kinds of dating traditions dictate what a man is supposed to do in a relationship and what a woman is supposed to do.

Dimension #2: Independent versus Connected
People who are highly connected tend to make their relationships with others a priority. They keep in close touch with family and friends when they can and are usually softhearted, empathic people.

Your score weighed more heavily on the connected end of the scale. This means that when a friend or a family member is in need, you're probably front and center doing whatever you can to help. This goes double when you're in a relationship. You seem to value the special bond that can be created when two people become involved and you'll likely go to great lengths to preserve it. Being connected creates a kind of warmth that naturally emanates from you. Others are apt to spot this caring nature and be drawn to you because of it.

Dimension #3: Easygoing versus Particular
Highly particular people tend to strive for perfection in whatever they do. They also tend to have refined, and at times expensive, tastes. Appearance can be important to particular types, so taking care of themselves is often a high priority.

In your case, you scored on the more particular end of the continuum. This indicates that you're one of those people who knows what you like. As a result, you're likely to have more discerning tastes than many people around you do. When you see something you want - whether it's a new car, a new coat, or even a new love - it can be hard to accept second best. You'd usually rather keep striving. That's what makes you particular. Because you like to be your best, you typically like to look your best too. In fact, you've probably received more than your share of compliments you on your put-together looks or great outfits. Being particular means you're apt to be more talented than most people are when it comes to self-care, style, and grooming. In this way, people like you tend to make a great first impression.

Dimension #4: Emotional versus Rational
Those who scored high on the rational scale are people who can usually take a step back during a heated situation in order to think out how best to respond. When provoked, their level-headedness makes them more likely to step back from an argument rather than fan the flames. Rational types are also typically strong thinkers who enjoy working through challenging problems to find a solution.

Your results indicate that you're more rational. This means that you're someone who is quite capable when it comes to logical reasoning. In fact, it's likely that you apply this valuable ability in a variety of situations, both personal and professional. You have a talent for observing what's happening in your own life. By being witness to events and your reactions to them, you can make more conscious choices for yourself. Not everyone has this ability. So be happy you have a good head on your shoulders. Being the voice of reason can be an attractive quality. It can also make you more compatible with the many people who'll come into your life.

See post below for con't. Part Two


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