It can be suffocating at times to be in a culture governed by all these rules and norms. The do’s and don’ts seem to be never ending. I’ve lost track of it already. I don’t even know anymore what’s the proper and un-proper thing to do. People can be very critical. You do something that’s out of the norm and “unexpected”, you instantly get questioned about it and get talked about it even.
I have nothing against rules and norms. It only becomes a problem for me when people take it too seriously and expect you to follow suit too. When people start dictating and imposing it on you, THAT’S when it becomes a problem for me. We’re all programmed differently. As such we all have our own different set of rules and beliefs to live by. What I think is right or proper may not be for another, and yes, while what I think may not necessarily be the right one, it’s still MY rules. It may not work well for you, but hey it works for me. We ought to respect one another for that. We shouldn’t act all knowing and be all judgmental just because someone is not like us. Reality check, you are different. I am different. WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT. I’ve used the word different so many times in this paragraph alone, I think you get my point already. Hehe
Honestly I couldn’t careless anymore. I will bend the rules if I want to. My words and actions may not please everyone, and I sure as hell can’t please everyone. It's not my job to make everyone happy. If I will have to worry about what every single people will think and say about me then I would probably go crazy. What I say and do may or may not be according to the “rules”, but as long as I’m not stepping on anybody’s pretty toes, then I think there shouldn’t be any problem to it at all.
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