Thursday, June 01, 2006

SuperClarisse? WonderClarisse?

If I could have superhero powers, it would have to be...

...the ability to read minds like Jean Grey
...the ability to be invisible like Invisible Woman from the Fantastic Four group
...the ability to fly like Superman
...the ability to be as fast as a speeding bullet like the Flash and Superman (again.)
...the ability to turn back time and rewind things
...the ability to have a super memory where I can digest both useful and useless information

The next few lines would probably sound more ordinary than superhero-like. But if there is such a thing (Bill Gates can be a superhero, you know) I would like to have the power... influence and convince people in a matter of seconds (wouldn't that be just great?) speak in different languages and be super eloquent (ni hao, ola, mabuhay, hello!) be insanely optimistic on just about everything (kung pwede lang sana...) be able to believe in the good of every person (with this, I mean as in EVERYBODY) metabolize as fast as I can (so that I could eat more!) think and reflect like Plato or Socrates (debate anyone?) have an enormous passion and generous heart like Mother Teresa's have unwavering faith, steady as a rock like Moses' be as brilliant as Bill Gates (I'm almost getting I wish.)


Nikki Sylianteng said... be able to believe in the good of every person (with this, I mean as in EVERYBODY)

nagagawa mo naman yan ah.

clarisse said...

Yeah but minsan I get disillusioned (in thinking that people are good) when I see others having the exact opposite view. I get easily influenced by these people!

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