Monday, May 08, 2006

The Flow

I'm currently reading Bridget Jones Diary. Never underestimate chick lit books. There was a part in the book which I found particularly useful. Hell I could very well apply it to my life. The main character was saying how, when you look at life Zen could be applied to absolutely anything. She said it was all a question of Flow rather than struggle. It may be an unacceptable proposition for people like me who always prefers having everything calculated and planned way ahead of time. I get anxious and distressed when things are not running smoothly. There' always this nagging feeling of not wanting to miss out on anything. When things are not working out or when I have a problem, I spend 90% of the time obsessing and worrying about it. And as experience would tell, obsessing and worrying how to fix things pronto doesn't offer any good answer or solution at all.

Perhaps Bridget Jones is right. Maybe we should just leave things as it is, be careless and nonchalant, and just go with the Flow. Instead of being angry, stressed, and resistant to anything that's flawed, I just need to relax and feel my way into it. There are just some things that can't be fixed no matter what you do. Some things happen beyond our control. At the end of the day, you just have to believe and have faith that everything would all eventually work out... that in due time all of the pieces will fit into the big puzzle.


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