Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Pills

Stumbled upon this nice little cute packaging for a candy shop in Barcelona called Happy Pills. If only we could buy real HAPPY PILLS whenever we want to, then the world would be a much happier place.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Things I Learned

When you truly love someone, you would give and risk everything you’ve got. You go into a relationship with all your cards laid out in the open. Even with the possibility of getting hurt, you nevertheless brave the possible consequences. And despite being unsure of what’s to come, you just go right ahead and take the plunge all because, as cliché as it may sound, of love. Deciding to be in a relationship is not an easy feat. And deciding to stay in it is a serious commitment. That’s why you can’t go into something with only half of your cards open. You can’t go into it half baked and half sure or unsure. Loving someone is not about taking calculated steps. It’s not some chess game that you play trying to figure out your next move. It’s not about waiting for the so called perfect moment or right timing. But rather it’s about being IN the moment and enjoying it now; doing what you feel like doing or saying it now. When you decide to love, you decide to truly love the person and make him//her a part of your life. He/she becomes a part of you and everything else in your world. It’s not about half letting him/her in because you’re scared. Loving someone is actually letting go of fear; it’s about growing up. That’s what love is all about. People shouldn’t mistake change as a cause for alarm in a relationship. It’s actually a sign of growth, a sign of a progressing and deepening relationship. The first day you met isn’t and will not be the same as day 100 or day 365. It’s actually always nice to reminisce about the old times and see how much you’ve both improved, together. There are no grey areas when it comes to love. It’s as plain as black and white, yes or no, like or dislike. No amount of explanations, lame excuses, or justifications will ever be able to cover up or even sugar coat the obvious. It’s as simple as the saying, there are a lot of means when you want it bad and there are plenty of reasons to make when you don’t. When it comes to love, you love wholeheartedly and you tend to give too much of yourself without even noticing it. While there is no such thing as giving too much because there are no limits when it comes to love, too much becomes too much when it becomes a one way street and you wake up one day realizing you’ve almost lost your worth already. So when you love, you have to leave a little for yourself. Pain and hurts are inevitable in every relationship. But that’s one risk that you have to take, that someday the one you love the most will also be the one to hurt you the most. The thought of falling out of love and losing all the love for the person you’ve once loved is scary, unimaginable beyond words. That’s why you hope and pray to God that it will never happen. Lastly, love is about you and me. It has never been about anyone else, but us. Yes, US. It’s about continuing to love despite one's flaws and deficiencies. It’s about staying in for the long haul and not giving up.

Friday, October 02, 2009



Effort is the essence of any relationship - friendly or otherwise. This is not to say that two people make an equal effort with each other all throughout their relationship. There is always give and take. However, when one has to constantly work on making the effort or they have to be reminded time and again to make the effort that’s when it becomes forced, which should not be the case. Until it doesn’t come to you naturally to make the effort towards something or someone, think of it as a sign reminding you that may be it’s not meant to be or not worth the effort you may be divesting into it.

(via hit-or-miss: shany)-

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