Saturday, January 31, 2009

Why Every [super]WOMAN Is Beautiful

Why Every Woman Is Beautiful

Her heart loves
a rollercoaster ride.
She cries. She laughs.
She falls in love.
Sometimes, cautiously.
Oftentimes, recklessly.
a constant marathon.
Her mind is on
Running. Running. Away.
Changing pace.
Turning around.
But never stopping.
Her dreams keep on flying.
They may not reach the sky
but will never ever take a dive.
Her hands touch
other people's lives.
As if that is the reason
for their being.
But most of all,
every woman is beautiful
because she is both steel
and cotton candy
and everything in between.

Got this from the Belle de Jour planner that Krizia gave me. I think it sums up nicely the very essence of a true woman.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Back to Earth

I feel as if I’ve just come out of a long hibernation. With all the festivities coming to an end, it’s now time to go back to the real world again. Time to work hard and also, workout harder (to shed those extra holiday pounds I’ve gained). The transition from vacation mode to reality mode can be hard sometimes. It’s so easy to drown in a world where you don’t have to worry about anything. I wake up each morning with nothing on my mind, save for relaxing and chilling and eating. I momentarily forget the busy life I have. My momentary bliss as I would like to call it. How I wish I could permanently freeze time and stay in this kind of world forever. But as the cliché goes, nothing lasts forever. It doesn’t really sound as bad at all. I’m actually looking forward to getting back to my old regular routine. I’m recharged and excited to get back to the things that I usually do, even the most mundane included. While it's nice to indulge, I’m afraid I would get complacent and idle if I'm rewarded with too many long breaks. The recent respite I have is more than enough to give me the pick-me-upper I need. I know there will still be lots of breaks in the future and yes I am definitely looking forward to that occasional abroad trip. But for now I am already contented to start sweating it out, figuratively and literally! That is I already need to start working and start doing my workouts.

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