Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mommy Day

Got this from a text forwarded by a friend,

"This Mother's Day, we just don't remember the woman who delivered us to this crazy yet wonderful world,

but we shall also express our appreciation to the world's most beautiful lady
who didn't recognize the words 'sleep' and 'tiredness'
when we had our childish tantrums,
to the one who first taught us to say 'thank you',
to the one who always stood up against our critics
even when we were wrong but never forgets to correct us,
to the one who almost finished anything we started,
to the one who always reminds us that we have to be strong
yet honest to admit when we're weak
and to the one who always believes that she has the most good looking son or daughter. Hehe

Let's make her day special by having this kind of appreciation not only today but everyday as we face life's prepared struggles and treasured victories.

MOTHERHOOD: a constant testament that love can be indeed conditional.


Happy Mother's Day Ma! :)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Word of the Day: Forever

Forever is a big word. It sounds scary even. There are just a lot of things to think about and consider when it comes to the big ‘C’. It does get a little tiring at times having to think about all the what-ifs scenarios, making sure you’ve got all the bases covered and that everything’s going to be alright. Sometimes it surprises you even at how some of your thoughts can get so silly and absurd, outrageous even. Hey you got to be creative with your ideas right? Hehe When forever starts popping up in your mind, your mental brakes start to automatically kick in. You stop, pause for a moment and think how you’re going to go about it. As much as you want to be positive and optimistic, doubts inevitably start to show up. Your fears and insecurities hound you nonstop. Sometimes the pressure of personally wanting to make everything right can take its toll, add to that the external circumstances that make it complicated and at times overwhelming.

I guess that’s just the way it is when you value something. It seems like every little detail gets magnified 100 times than usual. Sometimes even a simple matter can suddenly become complicated to you, not because it IS complicated but because of wanting to make everything super perfect. No, it doesn't mean we're pessimistic or OC, maybe all it means is that you care and give a damn. A whole lot. When we see a good thing with potential, we hold on to it dearly. We find ways to make it work. We make sure everything will go smoothly, not necessarily perfect. While we can’t help but not worry, we need to put aside all doubts and stop analyzing too much. We need to be in the moment and just enjoy it while it lasts (forever or not forever), and let the tide bring us to wherever. Sometimes all it takes is to bring one foot out the door and muster the courage to keep ourselves from looking back. That’s all it takes, one foot! Easy isn’t it? Not!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Heart Wishes

Make a wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want. Everything you want.

Do you have it? Good.

Now believe it can come true. You’ll never know when the next miracle is going to come, from the next smile, the next wish come true. But if you believe that it’s right around the corner and you open your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it, you might just get that thing you’re wishing for.

The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it. So make your wish.

Do you have it? Good.

Now believe in it. With all your heart.

(One Tree Hill)

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