Friday, August 24, 2007

Hope Still Floats

the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best

to believe, desire, or trust

Perhaps it is hope not love that makes the world go round. How else then would the fallen still find the courage to fight? The forlorn to have the patience to wait for love? Or the hurting to bravely accept love again? How else then would the grief stricken still have the strength to smile?

What gives? I say hope.

When everything seems bleak and nothing seems to ever go right, giving up can be a very tempting offer. Despair starts to creep in when all efforts seem futile and we see failure grimly staring back at us. Nobody said it was going to be easy. Life isn’t exactly a bed of roses. You can’t expect everyday to be a sunny day. However this doesn’t mean we should throw everything away and start running at the slightest hint of possible failure or pain. It ain’t over til it’s over right? There. Is. Still. Hope. We believe, desire, and trust that what we want can be achieved; that things will turn out for the best.

Hope is the rainbow that comes after each rainstorm. It’s the tiny window that opens after the door closes. It’s the beautiful sunrise that comes after each dawn. It’s the stars peeking through the clouds on a dark night. Hope transforms our fears into comfort, our uncertainties into clarity, and despair into optimism. Hope gives us unbelievable strength that we don’t even know we have. Hope provides guidance when things become murky and we see nothing. We may struggle and falter, have doubts, and perhaps consider giving up altogether. But in the end we still push ourselves. Dauntless and fearless, we eagerly face our adversities and rely on hope to see us through. When life sucks and gives us a hundred reasons to give up, hope gives us a hundred and one reasons not to.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Meet My Friends

Birdie, Kid McDo, & Grimace from Clarisse.

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