Sunday, February 26, 2006

My Own Countdown

In two days, I'll be leaving SMART for good. Time flies...ang bilis. While I will surely going to miss a lot of things, I am now more than ready to go. I'm trying to condition my mind to move forward and not look back anymore. I don't want to have any regrets. No doubt my brief one year (and plus months) stint at SMART will always hold good memories for me. But likewise I am also excited, more so psyched with what the future has in store for me. Good luck to me. *cross fingers*

Side Note
Watching the country's current events nowadays is like watching The Buzz. Politics here is proving to be a real entertainment. Kulang na lang yung popcorn. There are just too many happenings, too many hearsay and speculations, add to the fact that the media is hyping up everything. They seem to sensationalize every little thing. I don't know which side I'm in anymore. I'm praying hard that all these brouhahas will soon stop. Our country does not need any of this crap.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Post with No Title

Maybe it's not them. It's me. If I keep eluding it, I'm afraid I will never be given a shot at it again. I hope not. Maybe I'm just too idealistic for my own good. I should accept disappointing as it may be, that perfect will never be perfect. The right one will never be the right one.

But imperfect and wrong as it can be, I still don't know if I could share my space with someone else. I enjoy my freedom too much to give a part of it away. Believe me I would love to take a shot at it, but not now. Not with the wrong person anyway. I still want to wait and see. I want to be sure. But they say life is about taking risks and chances. So what does that make me? A coward? Maybe...

Monday, February 13, 2006

V-Day na kasi bukas...

I hope I don't sound bitter by pasting this bit by Cindy Chupack, because I'm not. :)

The Rant

The holiday makes more people unhappy than happy; it puts too much pressure on relationships by making romance mandatory, so even if you like doing something sweet and surprising for your loved one, it can't be surprising because it's expected.

Why can't we just pick our own Valentine's Day?

Think of Valentine's Day like Kwanza - a holiday we should all acknowledge, but one that only some people in this country celebrate.

Monday, February 06, 2006

I saw the sign...

I went to the dentist this morning for my long overdue cleaning (after 2 long years as per my dentist). It's a good thing everything is still intact. No pasta or sealant needed. My dentist was really impressed with my brushing skills. Wala raw sira. Hehe

Anyways an odd thing happened. Towards the end of the cleaning, he began to talk about love relationships in general. Odd for me because we never really conversed much except for teeth-related topics...And today out of the blue he was telling me that we can't be picky in love, that sometimes you got to try to know the person first before closing one's doors. He also told me how most guys have this pride issue preferring that they know first if they had a chance or not. He went on and said that he was actually telling his 40 year old sister-in-law that she should have made a move, because he knew of some people who were old and still single because they let the chance pass them by. Sabi niya maybe I should be more open so that I wouldn't have any regrets in the future. It's so weird. For some reason, he was giving advices. Imagine that, my dentist giving me helpful advices and if I may say, friendly warnings. How apt and timing can that be?

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