Sunday, September 25, 2005

From the top of my head

Whether consciously or unconsciously, some if not most people like to think they know everything there is to know and believe they're doing the right thing even if it's not.

We have our own beliefs and principles that we firmly hold on to. It is inevitable that there are going to be disagreements, differences in perspectives and opinions. What we do or say may sometimes not stand well on others. For me it's tuning in to the majority. If a lot of people are saying the same thing about me, then perhaps it is telling me something right? Maybe there really is something wrong. I mean if you think you're not doing anything wrong but 3 or 5 people are individually saying the opposite about you, then there is a high probability of them being in the right side. Well as long as these people are reliable (read: family and close friends), it's better to consider their opinions because nobody else can know you best than they do. But then again, that's just me.


I played badminton the whole day. My dad's high school batch (Xavier '71) held a badminton tourney. Major workout. My entire body aches. I'm 23 and yet I feel like 40 years OLD. I have to painstakingly make the effort to sit or get up. And to think I didn't win in any of the matches. But our team won overall though. I don't know if it's because of age or from lack of exercise, I tire easily now. I could usually play for hours non-stop but now I can't anymore. This can only mean one thing, I need to exercise more! Hehe

Monday, September 19, 2005

Baptismal Post

I haven't been writing religiously. It's September already. Where did August go? And September is fast disappearing as well. I've been so preoccupied the past few months I have not even noticed how close Christmas is. Speaking of which I can't hardly wait for it to come. I'm longing for a looong vacation...a goood vacation. With or without the usual Sy clan trips I don't really care just as long as I have a good long break. I've got a lot of tv shows piled up that I've been wanting to watch but haven't got the time to do so. Desperate Housewives and The O.C. Season 3 are all waiting for me. I have also planned on going back to the driving range but until now haven't gotten to do so. Not only am I getting rusty, my clubs are from not being used. Then there's the long overdue workouts that I have vowed on starting but haven't done so, not even a 30-minute run on the treadmill. None at all. Zilch. Nada.

If there's anything at all I'm happy at being productive and busy. Not the super busy-I'm super harrassed kind though. I just like being busy, the normal busy kind. Not only does it helps me stay focused on the more important things, it keeps me off from thinking too much. What about you ask? Well, small things and those petty worries that don't really have an answer because "only time can tell" is the answer...if you know what I mean. More often than not I'm so tired at the end of each day, all I want to do is not think and just relax and sleep.

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